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Siemens Romania R&D Siemens Romania R&D

Siemens Romania R&D

Located in Brașov, Cluj-Napoca and București, Siemens R&D activity is represented in România by Siemens Advanta Development and Siemens Technology teams. Scientists, engineers and software developers support Siemens in fulfilling the demands of digitalization. We deliver product development services for hardware, software and engineering, in the field of energy, industry, e- mobility and smart infrastructure. Also, we are experts in IT services and solutions, where web, mobile and SAP based applications are being developed and tested. Our research and development teams are active in the fields of Electronic Design, Business Analytics, Cybersecurity, Software & Systems Innovation and Embedded Systems. The world is constantly changing and we’re always thinking about what’s next. Can you help us build the technologies and innovations of tomorrow?




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