Amazing applications developed by tech professionals that decided to work from unique cities in Romania

Proudly brain-crafted
in Romania! by Loginro

App three

Create an app for both Android and iOS that would allow shoppers to send feedback directly to the store manager in order to fix an experience, solve a problem, praise an employee or simply send a suggestion for future experiences.


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Parts built in RO






Powered by Loginro

România are un deficit de 15.000 de x specialiști în tehnologie în fiecare an, în contextul în care 40.000 de profesioniști activează în diaspora și 140.000 în țară. În ultimii 20 de ani, 26% din profesioniștii în IT au plecat din România, dar 1 din 4 își dorește să se întoarcă, conform unui studiu intern realizat în luna mai, 2020. ”Scopul proiectului este acela de a capitaliza talentul IT-ului românesc, de a crea o comunitate funcțională, vie, de a semnaliza corect potențialul domeniului d...

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In short

A smart Marketing application targeting B2B2C customers.

What problem gets solved?

Mobile application that allow real shoppers to send valuable feedback directly to the store manager.

Challenging while delivering

Find out how real customers experience shopping wherever they shop from.

Beautiful! Tell me more...

Create an app for both Android and iOS that would allow shoppers to send feedback directly to the store manager in order to fix an experience, solve a problem, praise an employee or simply send a suggestion for future experiences.

How is this different from others?

Mobile applications and real-time dashboard to start a dialog with your customers to improve their shopping experiences, thus grow loyalty and visit frequency.

Exclusive to Romania in terms of this application/solution or service

Dynamic dashboard, gamification system with its redeemable points, diversity of shopper survey capability.

Some of this amazing app's clients

InMedio, SuperDry

What else can you do

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